Think about this. How much time do you waste….
- Re-entering patient demographic data?
- Fixing data entry errors?
- Faxing and scanning reports?
- Manually pushing images?
- Burning CDs?
Finding ways to improve workflow is one of the top concerns we hear from our PACS clients. If your current workflow involves multiple points of data entry and manually faxing reports, burning CDS, etc., you understand exactly what we mean.
ProtonPACS can dramatically improve workflow with:
- HL7 Interfacing. ProtonPACS works with any existing EMR or RIS and to receive orders via HL7 interfacing and make the orders available for modality worklist. Then, ProtonPACS takes the report and sends it back to the EMR or RIS via HL7, making the report available in our secure, web-based portal.
- Web-based Portal – Every ProtonPACS customer has access to our fully web-based portal that allows users to place orders and grant referring physicians secure access to reports. (Learn more about the portal’s Grant Access feature here.) This customized portal greatly reduces (or even eliminates) time spent burning CDs, pushing images or manually scanning and faxing reports. Using the portal’s Thin Viewer, referring physicians can quickly view images and reports through any web browser from any location, with no software to download or manage.
Our clients have been incredibly pleased with the increased productivity they’ve experienced from using these tools. One facility shared that, prior to installing ProtonPACS with HL7 interfacing, it required two full-time employees to manually enter data and copy/paste patient information multiple times into the various modalities and software. The new efficiencies have allowed these employees to be re-assigned to support the increased patient volume they’ve seen since switching to ProtonPACS. Moreover, the secure, web-based makes image and report sharing so efficient that it has boosted loyalty from the client’s referring physicians.
As daily PACS users, we understand the critical need for optimized workflow; both from a business and a clinical perspective. Therefore, HL7 integrations and portal access are both included with every ProtonPACS installation at no additional charge. By reducing errors, eliminating redundant data entry and speeding up workflow, these tools will deliver an immediate and sustainable impact on productivity and patient care.