Today’s Interesting Case: Tibial Eminence Fracture

Jun 19, 2015

Radsource radiologists are constantly communicating and sharing knowledge with each other. In our blog series Today’s Interesting Case, our team will post notable cases and images for discussion from time to time.


In today’s case, a 17 year-old female presents after suffering a hyperextension injury while playing soccer.

Avulsion of the ACL



A sagittal fat-suppressed proton density weighted image through the intercondylar notch demonstrates avulsion of the ACL at the tibial insertion.  The ACL is otherwise normal appearing and maintains a normal orientation without laxity.






anterior medial bundle fibers of the ACL


A sagittal fat-suppressed proton density weighted image obtained just medial to the first image shows intact anteromedial bundle fibers of the ACL.








Today’s case is particularly interesting because it is rare to see an ACL avulsion injury that only involves a single bundle. Since the ligament is not retracted, this may heal without surgical intervention. Dr. Michael Stadnick discusses a spectrum of important findings on tibial eminence fractures through MR imaging in our May 2012 web clinic on the topic.





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