Radsource Completes 11 ProtonPACS Installations in Q1

Apr 12, 2022

protonPACS logoRadsource, a leader in radiology clinical services and provider of Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), completed 11 installations of ProtonPACS for both new customers as well as expansions for existing customers in the first quarter of 2022.

In Q1, Radsource installed ProtonPACS at a veterinary hospital in Washington, DC, a medical center in New Mexico, an outpatient diagnostic center in Texas, and a physicians’ group in California, among other healthcare facilities across the country.

Based in Beaumont, TX, The Outpatient Diagnostic Center (ODC) in a community-based imaging center founded in 2011 by Dr. Brent Mainwaring, a highly skilled radiologist and longtime Beaumont resident. ODC offers a wide range of imaging services including digital x-ray, MRI, CT, bone density/DEXA scans, ultrasound and 3D mammography, and was eager to transition away from their existing PACS to a system that offered a significant upgrade in features and workflow efficiency.

“After struggling with a slow system that offered very limited features and poor communication between the RIS and PACS, we were thrilled to make the move to ProtonPACS,” says Vanessa Ellis, ODC administrator. “With advanced imaging tools, plus administrative reporting, referring physician’s portal and many other workflow features, ProtonPACS truly positions our imaging center for growth and success. And I must say that Radsource team has the best group of employees I have ever worked with on an implementation. They are professionals, through and through.”

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