Celebrating National Radiologic Technology Week 2023

Nov 10, 2023

At Radsource, we’re proud to celebrate National Radiologic Technology Week from November 5th to November 11th, 2023. This week commemorates the discovery of the x-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on November 8, 1895, a milestone in medical imaging.

Recognizing Excellence

We acknowledge the vital role of radiologic technologists in healthcare. They operate imaging equipment, enabling early diagnosis of various medical conditions.

Our Commitment

Radsource is committed to innovation in radiology. We provide cutting-edge tools and resources, empowering technologists to deliver top-notch patient care.

Celebrating Compassion

Radiologic technologists combine technical expertise with compassion, providing comfort to patients during procedures.

In Appreciation

We appreciate the dedication of radiologic technologists who advance medicine and save lives. Radsource is proud to support their mission and contribute to healthcare excellence.

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