Clinical History:
A 50 year-old tennis player presents with acute onset of medial calf pain. Axial fat-suppressed proton-density-weighted images at the upper, mid, and lower calf and a coronal T2-weighted image through the mid medial gastrocnemius are provided.
What are the findings? What is your diagnosis?
- Partial-thickness tear of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle with some retraction. Associated vertical myofascial tear extending superiorly along the anterior surface of the muscle.
- Small hematoma between the medial gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.
- Intact plantaris tendon.
Calf muscle strains are frequent among both amateur and professional athletes. The injury is especially common among middle-aged tennis players, but also occurs with many other sports and activities. An acute stabbing pain is usually felt at the medial aspect of the calf during push-off in a position where the calf muscles are maximally stretched (knee in extension and ankle in dorsiflexion). Recovery times are variable and can last months to years, depending on the site and severity of injury.
Most calf strains do well with conservative therapy, but in some cases surgical repair may be indicated.1,2,3
Since muscle reinjuries are typically more severe than the initial ones 4 and mild injuries are reinjured most 5, the decision of how long to wait before an athlete returns to play is an important one. When to operate or how long to wait are incompletely understood. MRI, if done well, can improve upon clinical evaluation alone. Some features such as the length of muscle tears have been shown to be useful predictors for the duration of disability. 6 Other authors have also recognized that the simple I-II-III grading of muscle strains is not good enough for predicting prognosis and time for return to sport and have proposed more detailed nomenclature.7 Ambiguity about whether the term “partial tear” means partial-thickness or partial width may underlie discrepancies in reported incidence of partial versus complete tears. Better descriptions of pathoanatomy including tear dimensions, orientation, and location should be a significant improvement.
Imaging can only improve the clinical assessment if one can ensure greater diagnostic accuracy. MRI assessment of calf strains has several challenges that need to be mastered. These include a common misconception, variable image quality, subtle anatomy, special tear features, and a couple of major pitfalls. This web clinic will address each of these as well as provide some keys to optimized diagnosis.
It’s Not the Plantaris Tendon
“Tennis leg” was first reported in 1883. Early on it was ascribed to an isolated tear of the plantaris tendon, likely since the injuries occur medially, right along the course of that structure. However, since then multiple studies have shown this to be primarily an injury of the medial gastrocnemius at the distal muscle-tendon junction.8,9,10 An extensive literature review in 1982 found no surgery or autopsy proven cases of rupture of the plantaris.11 Another author concluded that “rupture of the plantaris tendon is apparently a non-scientific anachronism or an intellectual hoax.”1
Decades later and the belief in a primary plantaris etiology refuses to go away, in the popular press and even in parts of the medical literature. Proponents of the idea point out that there have been some reported cases of plantaris tears. These do occur, but not typically in the setting of acute calf strain. Several proximal musculotendinous junction strains have been reported with ACL injuries.12 Distal tendon tears occur together with Achilles tendinopathy. One study of calf strains by ultrasound reported plantaris tears in only 2 cases (1.4%) of 141 patients imaged.9 Another also found only 2 cases, both of which were distal tendon avulsions.10 Zero plantaris injuries were found among 65 patients with clinical tennis leg.8 Five rare isolated “midsubstance” tears were all in the distal 5.5 cm of the tendon 13, two in association with Achilles tendinopathy and none clinically resembling tennis leg or associated with calf hematoma. In actual practice, plantaris tendon tears are too often overdiagnosed and gastrocnemius tears underdiagnosed or underestimated in extent or severity. Several contributing factors will be discussed below.
Challenging Anatomy and Pathology
A fluid collection (hematoma) between the soleus and the medial gastrocnemius is typically the most obvious feature on an MRI of a calf strain injury. Ascertaining the status of the normally very thin and subtle plantaris tendon is more difficult, as is evaluating the curved and overlapping calf muscles on often obliquely oriented MR slice planes. Vertical tears along the muscle surface are extremely common in this region but can be subtle or invisible on suboptimal scans. Transverse tears of the distal musculotendinous junction can be hard to discern from the normal lower muscle margin when there is little retraction.
In situations where only a hematoma is found and the plantaris tendon is not visualized, it may be tempting to think that the plantaris tendon was torn since we know that it normally courses in this vicinity. But why would a relatively avascular structure like a tendon cause such a hematoma? It doesn’t. The hematoma arises from bleeding muscle. When a hematoma is present between the medial gastrocnemius and the soleus, a muscle tear can almost invariably be identified if the study is technically sufficient and the observer knows what to look for.
Image Quality
A frequent underlying factor in calf strain misdiagnosis is suboptimal image quality. Some older equipment cannot produce sufficient image resolution or signal to noise ratio (SNR). Newer equipment is usually capable but the scanning technique may not be optimized. Sufficient image detail is especially important when assessing small structures. The plantaris tendon is only 1 mm in thickness and 2 to 5 mm in width. Tears that may be fine splits in the surface of a muscle are necessary to detect. To see these structures, image resolution must be optimized while keeping SNR at reasonable levels. Proton-density- or T2-weighted sequences with fat suppression (T2FS or PDFS) are typically best suited for this diagnosis. Common mistakes include using too large of a field of view (FOV) or too small of an acquisition matrix, resulting in poor image resolution. These should be adjusted to achieve a target of about 1 mm (+/-0.3) pixel height and width. Thus the FOV (in mm) should be about equal or slightly less than the lower of the matrix numbers. Increasing resolution too much, however, results in diminishing returns since there is a resultant decrease in SNR. Optimal parameters will vary by the particular MRI equipment being used.
Relevant Anatomy
The major muscles of the calf, the gastrocnemius and the soleus, are pennate muscles. In contrast to fusiform muscles, such as the biceps brachii which has a simple short musculotendinous junction, pennate muscles have long tendons or aponeuroses with long lengths of obliquely attached muscle fibers. The musculotendinous junction is technically along this entire length. In the assessment of calf strains, special attention needs to be given to the lower aponeuroses of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles since they are the primary sites of injury and their assessment is crucial to accurate diagnosis. The course of the plantaris tendon is also important since calf tears are frequently in close proximity to this structure and it can lead to diagnostic confusion.14
On MR images, the aponeuroses form distinct continuous arcing lines on the surfaces of the muscles. No matter how coronal and sagittal images are placed, invariably portions are at variable angles to the curved structures of the calf and become difficult to interpret. Because of this, axial images are critical for the assessment of the integrity of calf musculature. Sagittal and coronal images are also useful, but are secondary and need to be carefully cross-referenced with the axial images to ascertain which structure is which. Careful attention to aponeuroses is critical since disruptions in their continuity are key indicators of tears. Normal aponeuroses are continuous vertically from slice to slice throughout their entire lengths, and also across their entire widths, with the exception of focal perforating vessels.
Calf Muscle Tear Patterns
L-Pattern Tear
Acute calf strains most often involve the anterior aponeurosis of the gastrocnemius near the lower margin of the medial muscle belly. Since the aponeurosis is very broad at this level, the transverse tear only extends part way across, typically from the medial muscle margin for a variable distance laterally, rarely reaching the lateral margin of the medial muscle belly. When the detached medial segment begins to retract a vertical split forms at the lateral margin, allowing it to move separately from the adjacent intact more lateral segment. The combined transverse and adjacent vertical tear components form the most common pattern of injury, a characteristic L configuration. The primary transverse tear component of an L-pattern tear is partial-width and is usually full-thickness. The vertical component is partial thickness. When large, L-pattern tears may distort to an oblique orientation.
U-Pattern Tear
When the initial transverse tear is more central in position rather than the typical involvement of the medial muscle margin, vertical splitting occurs at each margin of the torn segment. This forms a U-pattern tear configuration. Once a segment of aponeurosis has lost its distal tether, it is often displaced outward by the hematoma. The outward bulge assists in identifying the transverse tear as well as the vertical tears arising from its margins. U-pattern tears are typically partial thickness, limited to the aponeurosis and immediately underlying muscle, with the posterior portion of the muscle remaining intact.
Stair-Step Pattern Tear
As noted above, vertical tears are frequent important components of calf strain injuries. These must be followed to their full extent, to ascertain the length of injury and possible involvement of additional structures. Inferiorly a vertical tear usually leads to the lateral margin of a transverse tear which may not have been identified otherwise. Superiorly the tear may extend into additional muscles. Occasionally it leads to a second set of transverse and vertical tears, together forming a stair-step pattern which extends from inferomedially to superolaterally. The bottom transverse tear component is typically full-thickness. The vertical and upper transverse components are typically partial-thickness.
Finding the Transverse Tear
As noted above, vertical tears are frequent important components of calf strain injuries. These must be followed to their full extent, to ascertain the length of injury and possible involvement of additional structures. Inferiorly a vertical tear usually leads to the lateral margin of a transverse tear which may not have been identified otherwise. Superiorly the tear may extend into additional muscles. Occasionally it leads to a second set of transverse and vertical tears, together forming a stair-step pattern which extends from inferomedially to superolaterally. The bottom transverse tear component is typically full-thickness. The vertical and upper transverse components are typically partial-thickness.
The transverse tear is often located above the lower margin of the muscle and thus on axial images the muscle may be seen on the same slice as the aponeurotic disruption. This may lead to confusion. It occurs either when the aponeurosis is torn slightly above the distal musculotendinous junction or often from greater retraction of the aponeurosis and anterior portion of the muscle than the posterior. The remaining posterior portion distorts and curves under, such that the muscle fibers become more horizontal rather than downward sloping. Note too that some retraction of the aponeurosis and deep portion of the muscle can occur even if the tear does not extend through the full muscle thickness, such as in our initial test case.
Another Hematoma and Tear Position
As noted above, it is often the resulting hematoma which is the most obvious feature of a calf strain injury and its position reflects the location of the underlying injury. Posteromedial hematomas between the gastrocnemius muscle and overlying posterior compartment fascia are less common than the typical intermuscular ones shown above. They can easily be mistaken as being within the muscle when the overlying fascia is misconstrued as the posterior muscle surface. These arise from tearing of the posterior epimysium of the medial gastrocnemius, most often near the medial portion of the hematoma. A gastrocnemius tear involving the posterior surface can be difficult to identify due to irregularity and infolding of the posterior epimysium from compression by the hematoma. Localized muscle edema is sometimes helpful in finding the tear site. Hematoma at this position from a superficial gastrocnemius tear can be difficult to distinguish from fluid tracking inferiorly from a ruptured or dissecting popliteal cyst.
Plantaris Tendon Tear Pitfalls
The most frequent cause of the mistaken diagnosis of a plantaris tendon tear is the combination of an intermuscular hematoma, lack of visualization of the plantaris tendon, and lack of identification of a better explanation for the hematoma. Even more convincing is when a thin wavy low signal structure resembling a torn tendon is seen in the fluid between the soleus and medial gastrocnemius muscles, where one would expect the plantaris tendon to be, as in today’s initial case (Figures 1&2). The most common cause of this appearance is a residual long and thin blood clot, mimicking a torn tendon. Clot can be recognized by looking at adjacent slices and noting that it is not in fact a continuous linear structure but rather an irregular broad one. Identifying the intact plantaris tendon in its normal position also confirms the mimic.
A second mimic is a torn medial gastrocnemius aponeurosis, especially when it has a U-pattern configuration with a narrow width. A missing segment of anterior gastrocnemius aponeurosis is the key finding. Identifying the intact plantaris tendon in its usual position is also helpful.
Transmuscular Tear Extension
Many variations of tear involvement may be encountered, which can be elucidated with the principles of following normal anatomic continuity and connected areas of pathology on sequential images through their full extent. Rarely a linear tear can cross from the anterior to posterior muscle surfaces.
Underlying Proximal Achilles Tear
As described above, a transverse tear that extends across the partial width of an aponeurosis leads to retraction with one or more adjacent vertical splits. This can also happen in the Achilles tendon, especially proximally. When a transverse tear extends through a portion of the proximal tendon the shear forces can result in a vertical tear component that can propagate a long distance upward, primarily along the posterior soleus muscle surface, occasionally secondarily involving either or both heads of the gastrocnemius. This can present as primarily calf pain and the underlying Achilles tear may be relatively inconspicuous. This is an additional important example of why vertical tears must be followed to their full upper and lower extents, as there is usually an underlying transverse tear, potentially amenable to surgical repair.
Soleus Muscle Injuries
As previously discussed, acute calf strains most often involve tears along the anterior surface of the medial gastrocnemius muscle, with a resulting adjacent intermuscular hematoma. Tears of the posterior surface of the soleus can also account for hemorrhage at the same location. These are not uncommon but are usually less severe. One study found them in nearly half of all calf strain injuries, whether in combination with gastrocnemius injuries or in isolation.8
The soleus muscle has several potential injury locations and the finding of muscle edema should prompt further inspection. Proximally, the soleus is multipennate, with intramuscular aponeuroses/tendons which can also be clinically important tear sites. Injuries involving the central intramuscular tendon are associated with longer recovery times.15 Mild (grade 1) soleus strains are frequently found near the proximal fibular origin in patients with acute ACL tears. Distally, mild strains commonly occur in association with Achilles tendon tears. More significantly, vertical tears of the lower posterior soleus aponeurosis should be followed to the full upper and lower extents just as with gastrocnemius tears. This can reveal an additional important injury such as a high grade partial tear of the Achilles tendon that may not have been otherwise suspected.
Chronic Tear
After conservative treatment, aponeurotic tears heal with fibrosis but some retraction often remains and recurrent injuries are not uncommon.
Other Diagnoses
Another important role for imaging is the assessment for alternative or additional pathology such as stress fractures or DVT. DVT is more common in patients with calf injury.
Summary of Keys in the MRI Assessment of Calf Strains
- Use optimal MRI technique with relatively small FOV and suitably high matrix to provide optimal resolution while maintaining reasonable SNR.
- Look for discontinuity of the medial gastrocnemius aponeurosis, side-to-side for vertical tears and slice-to-slice for transverse tears. This is the location of the vast majority of calf strain injuries and the tears are best seen on axial images.
- If a hematoma is present look carefully for discontinuity of the adjacent muscle surfaces and aponeuroses, especially for vertical tears near the margins of the area bowed outward by hematoma.
- If muscle edema is present near the muscle surface, look carefully for an overlying epimysial/myofascial tear.
- Follow each vertical tear and associated edema upward and downward over its full length. At the lower end of a vertical tear, look for the underlying transverse tear.
- Know that the lower transverse tear component is usually near the lower margin of the gastrocnemius muscle. Greater retraction of the deep component can move a distal aponeurotic tear gap just above the lower margin of the muscle.
- Realize that the underlying transverse tear of a calf strain injury may be as distal as the Achilles tendon, especially if the vertical tear is in the soleus.
- Look for the typical L-, U-, or stair-step patterns of injury.
- Follow the plantaris tendon from start to finish, confirming that it is intact. Be aware that this tendon is very small in cross-section and can be invisible on low resolution images or may be developmentally absent. When there is a rare true plantaris injury, the muscle is typically edematous or the tendon is avulsed distally.
- Be aware of plantaris tendon tear mimics. If there is apparent plantaris mid tendon discontinuity on a sagittal image, it is much more likely that the finding is due to a blood clot, or in rare cases due to a torn medial gastrocnemius aponeurosis segment. Confirm in each plane and look for the intact plantaris at its normal position.
- Know the anatomy. Don’t mistake the lower soleus muscle for the lower gastrocnemius which terminates higher up.
- Look for other pathology such as DVT.
Calf strains are common and important injuries, with medial gastrocnemius tears accounting for the vast majority of cases. Several factors make optimal imaging assessment more challenging in this area, but with knowledge of the anatomy and tear patterns, a high level of accuracy can be achieved. This approach can be important in guiding the best treatment or rest interval for injured professional athletes and weekend warriors alike.
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